An industry first, Simian Microsites not only offer creative, marketing, advertising and production teams a better way to share video, they also offer a competitive edge via unique options for privately delivering assets and creating slick, branded multi-media presentations.
FACT I: You never get a second chance to make a first presentation.
Unlike the static presentation options offered via PowerPoint, PDFs or costly, time-consuming, developer dependent, custom websites, Microsites are fast and easy to create, and enable even the most novice user to create impactful, mini websites that feature video, rich-media and custom content.
The Simian Microsite Creator has long lead the way in terms of creative presentation options. Today, a completely revamped Microsite Creator offers more options and features than ever before, thanks to the addition of new, upgraded templates and the introduction of an inline building feature that lets clients visualize what they are building, in real time.
FACT II: The list of use cases for Microsites is endless.
Here are a few of the best-of-the-best by industry and their top user(s):
New Business Presentations
Top Users: Agencies, Networks, Production, Post, Brands, MCNs
Microsites not only enable teams to tailor presentations to the brand/client they are pitching, but they also allow for the addition of pertinent information – be it content or documents about the agency, key players, or video and work from creatives, directors and content creators, etc.
Microsites bring a whole new dimension to your presentation game that’s lacking with traditional presentations like PowerPoint, Keynote, PDFs and even Showreel presentations. In addition, real time analytics lets you know when potential clients are engaging with your presentation, so you know exactly when it’s time to make that follow-up call.
Client Review/WIP
Top Users: Post, Production, Agencies (post-prod units), Brands, Networks, MCNs
You can do client review or you can do client review like never before…
Create custom-branded, mini websites that impresses the client and show how much you value the relationship …all with minimal effort and time investment on your end.
In addition to looking great, both teams and clients can review and comment on all WIP files in one organized website. Edits can be organized by date (or however you choose) and files and information related to the project can also be easily accessed.
Location/Casting Presentations
Top Users: Production, Casting, Production Services
Easily organize and send location and casting presentations containing hundreds or even thousands of photos, by location. Select Microsites also employ tag and keyword search capabilities and find exactly what you are looking for, fast.
Global Style Guide / Digital Asset Repositories
Top Users: Networks, Brands, Agencies
Create easily accessible global style guides that ensure team members and vendors are using approved bumpers, logos, graphics and fonts, etc. Private sharing and password protection keeps assets safe and analytics let you stay on top of who’s downloading what.
Press Kits
Top Users: Networks, Brands, Agencies, PR Companies, Record Labels
Create digital press kits that are better and more impressive than printed materials or swag. Best part? Digital Press Kits let you see exactly who’s engaging with your content.
Delivering Treatments
Top Users: Production
Eliminate the obstacle of treatment vs. email file size restrictions. Simian clients also report that clients really respond to receiving a treatment via a detailed, customized presentation.
FACT III: Production companies want to work greener and reduce printing and shipping costs.
Digital/Printable Pre-Pro Books
Next up for Simian is the first-of-its-kind, digital pre-pro book that will be downloadable and printable. This means, instead of mailing huge pre-pro books to production teams, you’ll be able to send digital pre-pro books. Just think of all the shelf space you’ll save not storing paper pre-pro books per AICP requirements.
We’ve been exploring the idea of treatments as Microsites which could be downloaded and printed to PDF. Based on the treatments we’ve seen (which is a lot), they aren’t far off from what could be created with a microsite with considerably less effort.
To keep the conversation going, we’d love to hear from our users and the community at large…
Tell us: In your opinion, what benefits would digital pre-pro books and treatments offer? Do you foresee any potential pitfalls?
Let us know on Twitter or Facebook! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts…
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