What’s the best day of the week to send out a showreel? And what’s the best time of day to ensure your reel gets looked at? How many spots work best on a reel? And what are people watching them on?
If you’ve ever wondered about the answers to questions like these, we have the answers. And we shared them with an audience of production and post production company owners and MDs from around the globe at the World Producers Summit in Cannes.
Hosted by AICP, APA and CFP-E, the World Producers Summit is held several times a year at key ad festivals such as Cannes Lions, Spikes Asia and Ciclope. In Cannes over 100 production professionals gathered for a breakfast meeting to share an overview of business conditions in their respective markets and discuss some of the most pressing challenges they face. Simian was there, too, as a sponsor of the event.
With a helpful, infographic-laden handout (download here) – and knowledge gleaned from sending hundreds of thousands of showreels – we talked about ways these EPs and owners (and their sales reps!) can mine the data available to Simian users to get more eyeballs on their work. Knowing who’s watching and when, along with what segments or spots on your reel were watched the most (or which were largely ignored), can help you be more strategic and targeted when sending follow ups or pitching additional work for directors, editors, artists, mixers, etc.

Showing users how they can take full advantage of the analytic data available to them is part of our ongoing effort to provide the Simian community with ways to work smarter and more efficiently, so they can focus on what they do best, which is create.
Our appearance at the World Producers Summit coincided with the launch of our two newest analytics features, Engagement Graphs and Simian MoodReactions. Both of these features provide deeper showreel analytics than you can find anywhere.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to launching these new features, we’re also doing a top to bottom review of our analytics and will be publishing an updated white paper on reel engagement later this year. We’re also exploring ways to create a talent scorecard or league table for directors, editors, composers or other artists. This tool would allow users to track the results of their showreels, such as how well their work is being received, how many reels resulted in invitations to pitch or submit treatments, how many jobs were awarded, etc.
Want to know more about the analytics capabilities available via your Simian account? Or want to sign up for a free trial and explore the capabilities of our video sharing and collaboration tools? Just drop us a line at info@gosimian.com and we’ll set up a time to talk.